Please plan to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before the service starts. When you arrive, head through the front doors and turn to your left. Just pass the staircase is a hallway on your right you will take that to the KiDS registration desk. There you can register the whole family.
After you are registered, you and your KiD will be given matching security tags that are unique to your family. Your KiDS will need to wear the name tag portion of your matching security tag, which bears a code that is matched to your portion during checkout at the end of the service. During checkout, you will return to the desk and show your tag in order for your KiD(S) will be released back to you.
If you KiD needs you during the service, we will send you a short text letting you know.
We know your KiDS’ safety is important to you and we share that concern. From matching parent and child security tags to ensuring that every volunteer is screened with an interview and a background check. Every room is cleaned as well as every toy. Each KiD will have their own tote of toys and supplies. We ask that every KiD over the age of two wear a mask. We will check temperatures at our check-in desk to make sure we are all healthy. We go to great lengths to ensure that each environment is a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your KiDS